Dim in Light, but Not in Wit
Rather simple project for this evening. Using a potentiometer, I designed a circuit that allows for the red LED to be dimmed. More to come.
Rather simple project for this evening. Using a potentiometer, I designed a circuit that allows for the red LED to be dimmed. More to come.
If you are reading this, you probably just read my LAMY Safari review. If not, go check that out first since it covers most everything about this pen. There are not that many differences between the AL-Star and the Safari. The main one, though, is that the AL-Star is made
Happy New Year! I hope you have been enjoying the holidays. As is typical, the new year has brought forth an urge to write, and here I am. I've been snowed in for the past few days so I have had some time to compile a few reviews
Introduction To save myself the trouble, see the first few lines of my last several posts for the "sorry for not writing" stuff. Just getting that out of the way. My third semester of college is well underway, and I have been swamped. Regardless, I thought it would
This post contains an Amazon Affiliate link. As an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Intro Greetings! This is my first post on my new website. I have been working on getting everything setup and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy!